
Water Quality

We are committed to clean water

Water quality within the Priest Rapids Project area is vital for all living things. Learn more about our requirements for testing, data collecting and monitoring. We are committed to preserving the quality of our water resources.

Water quality monitoring data

Water quality within the Priest Rapids Project area supports domestic, industrial and agricultural water supply, stock watering, wildlife habitat, fish spawning, migration and rearing. We currently operate and maintain four, fixed-site water quality stations within the Priest Rapids Project area. These sites are located in the forebays and tailraces of Wanapum and Priest Rapids dams. The data collected is used to document the status of key water quality variables within the Priest Rapids Project area and to comply with our 401 water quality certification.

Water Quality Data

  • past 72 hours water quality
  • 2019 water quality monitoring report
  • quality assurance project plan
  • 2019-2023 (5-year) total dissolved gas abatement plan

Dissolved Gas Superstation Measurements

hourly data

monthly summaries

Dissolved Gas Biological Smolt Monitoring

priest rapids monitoring site data

Fish Spill Season Total Dissolved Gas Summary Reports



WARNING-PROVISIONAL DATA, SUBJECT TO REVISION: Real-time data presented by Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 (Grant PUD) on this website - including discharge (Kcfs), spill (Kcfs), percent spill (spill %), temperature (temp - Celsius), total dissolved gas (TDG saturation %), total dissolved pressure (mm/hg), and barometric pressure (mm Hg) are preliminary and have not received final quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) review and verification. Inaccuracies in the data may be present, and can be the result of instrument malfunctions, instrument failure, or physical changes at Fixed Monitoring Stations. Subsequent review may result in significant revisions to this data.

THIS DATA SHOULD NOT BE USED AS THE BASIS FOR MAKING BUSINESS, PERSONAL, OR OTHER DECISIONS AND GRANT PUD DOES NOT WARRANT ITS FITNESS FOR ANY USE OR PURPOSE. Data that has received QA/QC review and verification is posted daily, for the preceding day Monday through Thursday, and on Monday for the preceding Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at this page.

Section 401 water quality certification

The State of Washington works with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC) licensing process for hydropower dams. When an applicant requests a license, either to re-license an existing dam or for new construction, Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) works with the utility, reviews studies, analyses and plans. If Ecology determines that water quality standards are attainable, a 401 Certification (referring to Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act) is issued with conditions to ensure that the standards will be met. These conditions become part of the new FERC license.

  • priest rapids hydropower project 401 water quality certification
  • quality assurance project plan
  • 2014 total dissolved gas abatement plan

Aquatic invasive species

Non-native species living in or near water, which cause harm to the economy, environment or human health are known as aquatic invasive species.

You can help!

Follow these steps to reduce the spread of aquatic invasive species when taking your watercraft the water:

  • Remove any visible plants, mud, fish or animals
  • Eliminate water from equipment & boat hull
  • Clean and dry anything that came in contact with water
  • Never release plants, fish or animals into a body of water unless they came out of that body of water

More information

The State of Washington defines aquatic invasive species as any prohibited, regulated, unregulated or unlisted aquatic animal or plant species, any aquatic weed on the Washington State noxious weed control list or any non-native aquatic plant or animal species that threatens the diversity or abundance of native species, the ecological stability of infested waters or commercial, agricultural or recreational activities dependent on such waters (RCW 77.08.010).

How Grant PUD helps protect the water

Review the Aquatic Invasive Species Control & Prevention Plan for more information on how we are protecting the Priest Rapids Project waters these plants and animals.


Review the Northern Pike Rapid Response Plan to learn more about our focused efforts to detect and rapidly respond to this non-native aquatic invasive species.